Call for Paper for the Conference “Human Rights and the Media in Mozambique Today”.

International conference of the CEC

At a time when various political and social conflicts are taking place in Mozambique, analysis of respect for human rights is becoming ever more central for ensuring implementation of the rule of law, which is guaranteed by the principles of the Constitution. Within this framework, the press plays a crucial role: to publish information about violations of the most elementary human rights, to diversify sources of information, to contribute towards reaching a commitment involving all social and political actors so that human rights finally takes on a public dimension.

However, with rare exceptions, the coverage of respect for human rights by the Mozambican mass media is still feeble, particularly in cases of violations committed by the state apparatus. There is direct political interference in the editorial choices of the media, particularly the public media, or the media where the State has majority control, ensuring that these omit information or approach it in a one-sided way, using only official sources, without any kind of comparison with other sources. Such a stance is damaging to the right to information enjoyed by citizens. It makes the work of journalists sterile and repetitive, as well as biased, emptying it of public interest content.

CEC has always been committed to respect for human rights, prioritising their analysis in the media and its coverage. Faced with the current increase and diversification of the violations of human rights in Mozambique – with, for example, forced resettlements and land conflicts – CEC is holding its annual conference this year on the theme “Human Rights and the Media in Mozambique Today”.

The main objectives of the conference are the following:

  1. To examine critically the coverage of human rights by the mass media in Mozambique;
  2. To bring to the fore significant examples of the editorial lines of the various mass media, corroborated by empirical research;
  3. To present the results of this research and to debate with media professionals, academics, high level cadres, policy makers, representatives of civil society and citizens in general the perspectives of the Mozambican media towards the treatment of violations and the promotion of human rights.

The conference shall take place in Maputo on 10 December, International Human Rights Day. In line with the themes listed above, those interested should submit a summary of the proposed paper of about 400 words to the e-mail address The summaries will be assessed by the CEC Scientific Council.

Deadline for presenting the summaries: 10 November 2018

Communication of the summaries accepted: 16 November 2018.

The communications approved, depending on the interest of the authors, may be submitted, 45 days after the Conference for evaluation and later publication in the magazine Comunicacao e Sociedade.

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